Welcome to the

CIT Training Website


Please note, this website is solely for the use of CIT employees.

Note: We recommend using Google Chrome for these training courses,  click here go download Chrome Browser


Self-harm Training

Self-harm training (click on link below)






Governor Training

Governor Training (click on link below)



Governor Safeguarding

Governor Safeguarding Updated




Covid 19 Training Courses

Easing Transition Following Lockdown (click on the link below)

Protocols for Mainstream Staff (click on the link Below)

Protocols for CIT Staff During Covid 19 Updated (click on the link Below)

Easing Transition Following Lockdown

Protocols for Staff (Mainstream Schools Only)

(Special Schools need to refer to their own risk assessment)

Protocols for CIT Staff During Covid 19 - Updated


Young Carers Training Courses

Young Carers (Click on the link below)



Young Carers




Health and Safety Training Courses

Health and Safety (click on the link below)



Enterprise E-Learning




Safeguarding Training Courses

Safeguarding (click on the link below)



Child Poverty (Part of Safeguarding)

CIT Safeguarding Updated Oct 21



Education Training Courses

CME (Children Missing in Education) (click on the link below)



Children Missing in Education




Parental Mental Health Training Courses

Parental Mental Health (click on the link below)



Parental Mental Health